Lenore The Night-mare Life-in-Death

Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 8:52 PM

i promise not to look out of the window-any window anymore

because everytime i look out i see things that triggered me.
back then i saw a Saint waiting for the carriage to bring him to Church.
then yesterday i saw a Joker in red crossing my path...
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Friday, June 27, 2008 @ 11:09 AM

i have to close my window shut at night for there's the presence of household lizards or grasshoppers[i wonder how it gets to my 13th storey window].i hate my room because i had no air-con.it's 'too far away' from the rest of the bedrooms.so i turned the fan on full blast.woke up sore all over from the dead mattress and lumpy pillow.been complaining for The Authority[that is,my dad] to change the godforsaken mattress.the spring is poking me,i swear.The Authority said to wait for him to get the karong guni to sell away the mattress.by that time,you shall hear my bones cracking from behind your toilet door as u brush your teeth.i have to close the windows because im scared of the too-folk-but-true stories about how insects go inside this man's ears and lay eggs inside.the best thing is that he didnt even know it.
shoo away the nocturnal creatures.predators of people's holes.
don't bother me.

my all-time fav Frankenweenie.the story of the dead dog that was brought back to life

love my lacoste
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Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 10:16 AM

there's a large grasshopper stuck amongst my curtain and is making buzzing noises.im so petrified.someone get rid of it because i tried to get it in my hands in some unused paper but it make that buzzing sound again--EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 11:43 AM

The Danish Poet.
-baby's are actually little seeds floating around in space..waiting to be brought down to earth.by the meeting of their parents---

my evening star,
leave this room empty.the room that used to occupy us.go into the next room.a new and better room.you'll find someone in there to start in a new room.but sometimes all that you had built,you had to leave it behind one day.but when you leave,never regret.you had taken something with you.a picture of the room that u left behind;is meant to be kept safely in your shirt's breast pocket.lock the door.just know that the next room will be even better.
as for me,i'm doing fine running around in the hallway

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Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 10:55 AM


im lazy.i didnt even use pencil for the rough sketch but straight to my black pen(top)

it was that night when the moon was so yellow like the moon in the previous post.i just wish i have a Canon Eos or Nikon with me so SO SO very badly to capture that round beautiful thing that's glowing among stars.was sad that i could not catch the moon in my hands but was greeted with the sight of 4 cats that came to me meowing and purring and i squatted to play with them all.they're hungry.but i cant do anything but stroke their fur that they stayed with me.lovingly rubbing against my feet so many times purring.
"Mother...can i have a kitty??" :/

i dreamt that i was hugging Ellen for no fucking reason.maybe because i like her show.the ellen sleeveskin and all...and i dreamt that i was talking to a girl that had her mouth pierced[i think the girl is the girl in my blogskin background]i was asking her does it hurt.but she said it was awesome.i dont really understand what she meant by 'awesome'.as in,it's awesome that it doesn't hurt or 'awesome' that the stud and all was awesome ??? but she was smiling from ear to ear with her stud under her mouth that i think it was awesome too.so i went in the piercing shop to get my pierce too.i think the girl in the background have a pretty back view.i woke up wanting that piercing.aw man.i shall think it through.shall think it real through.

my sister is leaving for Turkey on July 3.i asked her for lots of postcards and tell her to take lots of pictures[of the scenery,not her] so i can edit it.i wish i know astral travel.i want to astral travel all around the world.

talking about that.my aunt and uncle are coming back today from Umrah.it's like super fast that they're back.so my cousin.2 years older than me,hm...wont have to cry for his parents anymore...
...boyssss...donnnnt...crrrry... :X

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Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 12:05 AM

this mushrooms will blossom in my field like diamonds on white puffy clouds...
i shall paint pictures in the sea itself,my masterpiece of humanity's lifetime...

and the moon shall stare at me lovingly with sweetness that i want to swallow it whole...

the cats that i played with tonight.companions of my whole life..
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Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 12:44 PM


yes.as anis said.she had finally talked to a sane person.it's good to talk to you too anis ;)incredible hulk was great last saturday.charlie and the chocolate factory watched for the dozenth time and sweeny todd watched for the third time again.refreshing of memory of the script and images.kungfu panda was hahahahh.Po is cute.buy Po soft toy for 19.90 let he sit on your head and squeeze all your brain juice out.

but it make me think more lazing around for days and then i just realised that im the jack of all trades.I have sold my soul.Sold my soul.so what more cant they asked for..?
Seemons is in a coven that Seemons is so familiar with.so popular for that Seemons will look down upon Seemons.Seemons wants Seemons to look up to Seemons as a God.unless the Seemons live up to Seemons beliefs.then Seemons will accept Seemons as one of them.one particular Seemons just don't want too.Seemons is her own God.what will Seemons's fate end Seemons?but either way Seemons will not wilt.

fuck blogger for failure to uploading pictures


something that i did less than an hour ago that amuses me till now was that i jogged.yes.since the last time i've ever ran was like in sec 4 because i was forced too;for NAPFA and even so,i failed by a minute,but sweet Mr Nasri let me off;but then again if if he wouldn't i could not give a fuck.well,what made me jogged today was when i looked out of the window and the sky was beautifully gray and i want to take fresh air.thank god i live in punggol.so wore my old PE pants,since i have no other sports shorts,a baggy black shirt and my mum's running shoes.fuck,it looks ugly,but fuck it.im hilarious.a few minutes of running make me breathless and stopping to take raspy breaths,i saw the house.i want to go in.i really want to.but she said i cant.hmm..maybe the next time i shall fight over her and really go to that house.but i cant fight her because my head is starting to throb like my heart is in my brain and my brain in my chest.vice versa.

*the drawing i made of a metaldude stepping on someone's*a particular someone's head* can anyone guess??? :D there's no right or wrong!

edited for the secondth time*

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Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 4:20 PM


<--too complicated for a t-shirt cover.
<--too common?
i mean hey..a metalhead with leather jacket,spiked boots,chain and the devil's sign?
should i put war paint on his cheek like i was suggested?alright.maybe a kind of war-metalhead.
my new drawing??well,it's this metalhead[of course it's a metal head since im designing for deh metah bangh] but my new drawing is a metal dude with the flying V guitar and another hand pointing a middle fingeh and someone's[a particular someone] head that the metaldude will step on.yeap.only the head.nothign but that particular someone's head and a lot of blood.it's going to be awesome.it's not gore.you guys should have seen Cannibal Corpse's CDs artwork.anw,the public is saying that the commercial about "saving gaia".the one that shows a boy doll with tar and saw and stuff,is gore?im going to laugh.i mean,they said that the cigarette packs have images that will discourage smokers from smoking?oh come on!like i see a lot of smokers still around.alive and kicking smokers.oh wells.mother earth.a big kiss goodbye to you??.... ....
*oh!i know what to add alrdy to make everyone remember!!*

Eee Eooh Zoo.it's tea-time.
that's polar bear,Giffy and Mystery(clockwise)
mystery is my pet cat -meow!-
too shy to face the camera and also 'half-showing' off her tattoo on her butt.


i'm feeling deranged and felt like i want to go against the world.why cant i go against the law and create my own rules?why cant i go against the society or even the change the law of physics?why must 1 plus 1 equals to 2?why must earth have gravity when i want to float up in the sky and go to space and through the black hole into a new dimension.maybe into a dimension called the "6th or 7th or 8th dimension etc".then i will dwell with other living things in this new dimension.maybe they might be even more civilised than human beings and human beings may be considered barbaric since we got 7000 years of civilisation maybe in this new worlds i might discovered they would have millions of years of advancement. gosh i'm so sick of black now.i want a darker color than black.black on black.yea i should try that.but as much as i spurt out black paint on black paint,i still got black.god!i'm sick of black like her. and also,i feel Friday The Thirteen is a stupid day.well,at least for me.since i got no thrills just drills.drilling in my pounding head.for a quater pounder meat in my head that i call,my brain.yes.you can eat your own brain.well,at least,that's how they showed me.just dont vomit like i did.

*fools imagine beyond imagination*

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 8:23 PM

so tuesday.i ended up vomitting in the mrt platform floor and sidewalk drain.taufiq was with me.god...it was horrible to have you stomach turned upside down in public.im so phobia of creamy pasta.eww.i was sick that whole day after lunch and yesterday i still stayed in bed to rest.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008 @ 8:12 PM

The black house in in my street
looks too dark just to go inside
But when I do
I cannot move because of
the mess in the hallway

The picture on the wall is chaotic
I don't want to look at it
But when I do
I cannot speak because of
the confusion in my head

I am unfit and I want to leap away
But when I do
The red colour comes after me
It is fierce and it moves slow

The picture on the wall is chaotic
I don't want to look at it
But when I do
I cannot speak because of
the confusion in my head

I am unfit and I want to leap away
But when I do
The red colour comes after me
It is fierce and it moves slow

i guess im a pioneer at keeping silent when i want to.

im starting on a new project to create a band logo & t-shirt for-lemme see--
(tear open my bag and ripped the paper out of my bag)--
PLAGUE OF THORrrrr*hisses*
yea.i met Phantom to get the rough drawing that he made
and it looks like..


anw,dude.your metalhead cartoon character really like you uh
when you smash your bass infrnt of me.
do listen to my new craze.

Towards the light
I will move on
And so I learn to move
The one before the next
The steps I take
Will pave the road ahead of me

I awoke this morning
Wondering if I was alive
My head was spinning in circles
Turning to the other side

Bare and broken i hold on to walk

I stumbled over my body
I stumbled over my words
On control upon all wasted
As if I were beyond belief

Bare and broken I hold on to walk

Towards the light
I will walk

Faster than
The speed of mind
Both my arms are wrapped around
This new experience
My head in clouds
My feet firmly on the ground

Towards the light
I will walk
And wrapped my arms around the ground
Beneath my feet
Towards the light
I will run
Towards the light

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@ 11:36 AM

One after one by the star dogged moon,
too quick for groan or sigh.
Each turned his face with a ghastly pang
and cursed me with his eye.
Four times fifty living men
(and I heard nor sigh nor groan).
With heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
they dropped down one by one.

(fourty times fifty living men) the magical number.

she rose from the dead,the queen
glittery white moonshine
beads of sweat with a gasp
she got chills throughout her fragile frame,
as it starts from her head
violent shivers swaying the trees
have you feel this feeling before?
(fourty times fifty living men) inside of me.
(fourty times fifty living);a terrible curse.
cadaverous face, haunts me into illusional nightmare.
staring at me.
boring her eccentric eyes onto me.
mesmerizing me into hallucination.
i could see the beauty of it.
buzzed off

Friday, June 6, 2008 @ 9:11 PM


uma & shashah

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 8:29 PM


shashah edited that picture.
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Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 6:48 PM

i love old people who dress like that.

Av og til føler meg jeg at dette forholdet er en feil.gjør som du føler den samme måten ? fordi jeg er ikke sikker hvis jeg hadde virkelig flyttet på eller ikke.når u som ha blitt først kommet inn i mitt liv, var jeg type av desperat for noe type av en støtte.når jeg gjennomsøkte, var jeg følelse tapt og ensom.det var morsom at da jeg først sagå din foto, trodde jeg deg var noe håpløs emo kar.men da jeg forsto at du er noen med en virkelig liv.anbringer til side at dumt først merke av du.jeg ikke vet hva jeg gjorde og kunner som jeg ville var en best karvenn til å dele denne fucked opp liv Finn det hard.. da jeg gjetter deg vet at jeg var type av føleen av litt bisexual da.jeg kunne ikke snakke med Uma også du vet, av og til jeg føler meg som jeg er akkurat akkurat som min gammel primær skole den beste vennen.hun tror alltid at jeg er ikke kjølig nok for henne.hun var alltid bedre enn meg.alltid elsket og bekymret seg ved slik mange folk.jeg er alltid den svarte sauen til nå.det ydmyket.jeg gjetter deg hadde aldri vet om at del av mitt liv. likevel, jeg førte den luften av arrogant og kastet det kunner til Uma.Det var fordi at hun hadde den selv-tilliten som er Føl seg som den smarte piken i verdenen (skjønt kunne hun være gal av og til) jeg misunner hennes selv-tillit. jeg vil at til å noen ta mitt sinn av fra slaget av heartache fra Kamal.Jeg var til å desperat glemme min først kjærlighet...det er det samme med deg og Hannah.Hun er din først kjærlighet.en som hennes navn overalt.selv når som du er med meg. somethimes, undrer jeg meg hva du tror.det har ikke laget meg sint -- ingen.jeg skal tale den sannhet.det lager meg frustrerte at jeg kunne ikke få nær til deg i din hjerte.slik da jeg nådde hjem everytime, skal jeg Rifter felle.da som jeg skal stirre på taket til utmattingssvinger meg inn i søvn.når jeg stirret på taket, tenker jeg på alle de forskjellige måtene til å lage deg gløder. jeg vil lage deg glad.og også jeg vil lage oss glad. da, føler jeg pressured fordi, jeg var ikke virkelig en morsom person afterall.jeg føler pressured på å være noen din venner liker.men av og til, du dont selv vet hvem min virkelig venn are.jeg synes at jeg hadde sjeldent samtale om min fortid, foruten mitt liv med du.som er godt i en måte, men kan ha splittet personlighet, sprekk inn i to, som Uma seg selv sagt.men hvilket hvis jeg hadde mange personligheter.mer enn 2 ? hva hvis kunner av dem er mørk og å ruging ? flimmeret av ren uskyldig lykke hadde omkring fire år ikke dødd ut innside av meg var siden.jeg vet hvor det drog. ..all som jeg vil er noen til å finne bak den lykken begravde dyp inne i meg.fordi jeg Det.men som den siste veggen akkurat ville ikke rokke for du. det er ikke din feil min kjær. ..maybe som det ville rokke etter et par år.men hus at vi en gang oss lovet ikke til å forlate hverandre høy og tørr ? kanskje du har rett da du sa at jeg er ond.kanskje som jeg er ond for følelse på den måten til uma.kanskje jeg er ond til å føle den sjalusi.kanskje som jeg er ond til å sette deg befrir.gjør som du vil meg og du.kanskje som vi vil møtes i det neste romet som godt venner, hvis vi enda kunne være en.. eller kanskje du vil havne i et rom hvor det er Hannah vente på deg til å bruke evigheten med.. mitt blindlokkshjerte føler at kanskje hun stille til å håper være med deg etter kommentaren hun gir seg til du.kanskje det er oss som ikke hatt noen.evighet forteller meg Er i tvil. jeg føler meg at det er slik mange ganger som jeg hadde hopp av kanten av et bygger men hvert måte, plukke meg ville jeg opp igjen.du er den søteste og meste sanneste karen til meg.du ville alltid være i meg for den resten av min liv.kanskje da, vil du til å slutte føle de usikkerhetene om din fysisk egenskaper.kanskje da, jeg ikke hadde til å noen minne meg av Som alle elsker det.forteller meg, drømgutt. ..i kjærlighet du derfor mye.
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